Thursday, March 22, 2007

"The Secret Debate" James Arthur Ray Vs. University Psychologist

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Anonymous said...

Dear Rhen,

I love James Ray's explanation of the Secret, and I have numerous instances in my life (both positive and negative), occuring well before the Secret was produced, that I can point to that show that, for me, the philosophy behind the Secret really does work. You need to look a little deeper than the emminent Dr Norcross does to understand the effectiveness of the Secret - you ask and believe, and if you truly believe, you do see an opportunity at every corner to receive and improve whatever aspect of your life you are concentrating on. It takes action as well as thoughts, wishes and beliefs.

I think professionals like Dr Norcross are a little afraid of the Secret (much like the men in power from the past 2000 years) - if people start to heal themselves, if they realise their psychological (note I said psychological, and not psychiatric - there is a difference) problems are within their own control, then they lose their position in society, their jobs, their status. Everything they believe in is proven to be flawed. I am a very real case study on this - I suffered with an eating disorder for over 10 years, and numerous psychologists, hospitalisations and medications failed to help my depressive state until I realised that it was within my own control.

And the Secret never puts down or criticises medicine - in fact, Dr DeMartini says that, if someone is in a chronic, life-threatening state, then it is dangerous for them to come off medication while they explore the power of the mind. Medication has a purpose, and a place. But that it is not the only cure to a disease. That the power of the mind is highly critical in the recuperation of a patient.

I think it is a shame Dr Norcross has taken elements of the Secret out of context, to protect his own profession, propogating a poverty mentality.

Best wishes!
Narelle (Melbourne, Australia)

Author said...

I love all the media attention that the Secret is getting. What you focus on - positive or negative - expands. And they are focusing on the Secret. This gives it a chance to be seen by millions of people who might not have heard of it.

So, I say, let the naysayers criticise all they like and give the Law of Attraction the media attention it deserves! We who use the Secret, know what it does. People are seeing the results of us using it.


Anonymous said...

I watched the debating, The University Psychologist professor appears very aggressive and uneasy, where as James Arthur Ray was very honest, relaxed and not phlimflamish, he has not varied in any of his manor from any footage that I have seen of him. I is not being dishonest in anyway or attacking.

I am pretty sure that the professor has not reviewed the Master Key, and as any who are of the underdeveloped mind (all in this world are born to this state), that is the reaction that I would expect. I for the first time in my life, believe in me, I feel that I am among the 1% of the population who understands. I hope that, that number grows.

The professors reaction is only natural for where he exists and is part of, he as with many like him have been the very reason why the world, as we know it, is in the condition that it is today. He has no answer, and does not want to solve any of the problems that exist, but adds to the system which keeps others on the treadmill or the marry go round which is this world. We who see or get the Secret have stepped off of the Marry go round as it continues to go now where.

I thank you and all of the others for presenting the Secret to those who have been looking and can see. Truth is truth and all are not able to see or accept this.

I believe that the Proverbs of Solomon which I did not understand , but I do now: Applies to this this debate, chapter 1 verse 2 - 7

Beginning with verse 2: for one to know wisdom and discipline, to discern the saying of understanding, to receive the discipline that gives insight, rightousness and judgment and uprightness, to give to the inexperienced ones shrewdness, to a young man knowledge and thinking ability. A wise person will listen and take in more instruction, and a man of understanding is the one who acquires skillful directioin, to understand a proverb and a puzzling saying, the words of wise persons and their riddles.

The fear of Jehovah ( The thinking substance the universe) is the beginning of knowldege. Wisdom and discipline are what mere fools have despised. As stated by Bob Proctor ... ... my name, my hand, that Name is not who we are or it is. Much off the worlds ills have been and continue to be commited on account of a lack of, and an issue of
of Who ( to understand the Thinking Substance the Universe ) is the key.

I am more greatful and thankful than I have ever been via any form of religion that I have ever been exposed to. I am not crazy and I do believe that the creative force in the universe did not create any one or thing to lack anything while we are here on this planet

I am very greatful for this gift and I thank all.

Anonymous said...

Great Video Post , Personally I love skepdics because they force you to really look at things and what you are doing. But if you ever want to get something done , dont envite one to the party.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Anonymous said...

Hm hm.. that's amazing but to be honest i have a hard time figuring it... I'm wondering what others have to say....